Pleanse see index.html when you want to read Japanese rather than English.
Self Introduction
OGATA Tetsuji a.k.a. xtetsuji, male, between 30 and 40 years old.
My hometown is Otofuke Town (Neiborhood of Obihiro City, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan). Now I live in Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan from 18 years old.
I leaned mathematics (science master). And I go into web programmer. In my work, I write Perl mainly. My Perl experience is about 10 years old.
My handle name "xtetsuji" origin is part-time job at University. This work office is computer center in University. It gives account to workers which has x-prefix. I choice "xtetsuji" because my first name is "Tetsuji".
Attention: My English skill is poor :-/. Probably, English grammer mistake is exist in document.
My Outputs
- Twitter: @xtetsuji Follow @xtetsuji : Main my speak place (log). I have poor English skill, but if you mention to me, I make a response an effort. :).
- My main blog #interest_ae (Almost Japanese)
- My essay blog #think_ae (Japanese)
- My diary blog #xtnikki (Japanese)
- My dream diary blog #xt_yumenikki (apanese)
- OGATA Tetsuji's mathematical blog (Japanese)
- Qiita: About my programming how to. (Japanese)
- OGATA Tetsuji []: Perl entries (English)
- Medium: My English essay.
- xtetsuji's Tumblr
My output is from 2011 year. You can see my Slideshare page.
OSS and My Activity
- GitHub: xtetsuji
- SlideShare: xtetsuji
- CPAN Author; PAUSE ID: OGATA Perlモジュール
- Gist: xtetsuji
- Hatena::Let: xtetsuji: Bookmarklet
- xtetsuji
Lifelog, Social Stream
- Foursquare (4sq) (SU2)
- Delicious: Social bookmark
- eventcast: My interested events
- Togetter: My interested Twitter summary.
- Booklog: My book collections.
- miil: Food life log.
- SoundTrakcking
- ATND beta: Japanese event site.
- Zusaar: Japanese event site.
- The interviews: Open interview site on Japanese. (like
Others: Facebook, mixi, LinkedIn, ...
My SNS and locationbase connection is restricted my known person only.
How to contact to me
If you connect to me on Facebook, see my Facebook basic information page. Or you can send .
Do you use Dropbox?
If you do not have Dropbox account, then you join it from following link with plus 500MB storage. And I also get it :).
Join Projects
- [suspended] t-base perosonal server hosting project (1997〜)
- [suspended] G15: Debian JP server hosting project (2008〜2012)
- Japan Postfix Friends (2013〜)
- mod_perl information (currently, only Twitter account @mod_perl_info) (2012〜)
My Major Talks
- [2012/09/29] YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 "modern mod_perl information"
- [2013/09/20] YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 「Prospect of Apache and mod_perl technique」
Others, in small and middle size study meeting, I talks many things.
My Joining Study Meetings
Following study meetings, I join almost everytime. I am looking forward to meet you. Almost meetings is held in Japan.
-, in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
-, in Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan.
- PerlBeginners (From #13, I co-supervisor.), in Tokyo, Japan.
- Perl Entrance in Tokyo (as supporter.): This is study meeting for quite beginner of programming.
You can see my almost every slides in Slideshare: xtetsuji.
- Building command line application by Perl.
- Making API wrapper module, writing modules, development of API server, Designing API. What is called "system architect".
- Server operation using Debian GNU/Linux and/or Ubuntu.
- Configuration and performance tuning of Apache httpd server.
- Building and analysis of mod_perl HTTP application and/or any TCP application onto closed/loosed relation Apache httpd server.
- Security and performance middle scale web application.
- Operation of restricted environment e.g. CGI, and development by modern Perl framework e.g. Mojolicious and so on.
How to request a work.
If you interested above things, you can contact to me by following methods.
- Mail to
- DM to Twitter @xtetsuji DM (if you and I follow each other.)
- Facebook provate message to OGATA Tetsuji (if you connect to me on Facebook.)
I judge whether do or not each things.
My Personal History
- Mar, 1994: Graduation Shimo-Otofuke junior high school
- Apr, 1994: Entrance Obihiro Hakuyo senior high school (a general course)
- Mar, 1997: Graduation Obihiro Hakuyo senior high school.
- 1997年4月: Entrance Gakushuin University, the college of science, department of mathematics.
- Mar, 2001: Graduation Gakushuin University, the college of science, department of mathematics.
- Apr, 2001: Entrance Gakushuin University guraduate course, the college of science, mathematics special study.
- Mar, 2003: Graduation Gakushuin University graduate course, the college of science, mathematics special study. (Master of Science)
- May 25, 2003: Join Netvillage Co., Ltd. (Current: fonfun Corporation)
- Jan 31, 2014: Leave from fonfun Corporation.
- Feb 1, 2014: Join Wano Co., Ltd. (Current status)
Having licenses
- Science Bachelor (mathematics)
- Science Master (mathematics, analysis)
- Driver's license on Japan.
Work History
Part-time jobs:
- 1999年4月より2003年3月まで、学習院大学計算機センターでインストラクターとしてサポート業務を経験。Windowsの操作のレクチャーや、各種コンピュータ授業(C, Excel, SPSS など)のサポート
- 2001年ごろから2002年にかけて、成城大学メディアネットワークセンターでインストラクターとしてサポート業務を経験。
- 2000年ごろから2003年4月まで、学習院女子大学計算機センターでインストラクターとしてサポート業務を経験。Windowsの操作のレクチャーや、各種コンピュータ授業(MS-Office, JavaScript, Photoshop など)のサポート。またWindows Exchangeサーバの構内環境構築のサポートを経験。
- (stub)
- To listen classical music. I love Beethoven, Mozart, especially.
- To go to coffee shop.
- To get on Bus.
- Life logging, location-base service.
- Logical puzzle, and analysis of some mathematical structure.
- Mathematics, especially Analytics.
My Speciality
I think ...
Game List
- Puzzle and Dragons: 135,062,213
- Summons Board: 174,840,130
- Monster Strike: 357009525
- Pricess and last hundred dragons war. (hime-hyaku): ANFP38NZ
Please mention Twitter @xtetsuji for notice to me.
My Favorite Things
- Japanese animation "Mama is a 4th Gramder"
- Japanese animation "Jewelpet Sunshine"
- Rei Matsuzaki. She is Japanese voice actress.
- Eel dishes.
- Tofu dishes.
- Bus.